Press Release - June 03, 2002
On Monday 3 June 2002, the Palestinian High Court of Justice issued a decision demanding the release of the General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Ahmad Sa’adat. This session of the Court Council was convened this morning, headed by Hamdan Abadaleh with the following members, Khalil Ashiyah, Sa’ada Adijani. The defence was represented by the attorneys Raji Sourani, Younis Al Jarou, Abdul Rahman Abu Nasser, Iyad Al Alami and Ribhe Qatamesh.
Sa’adat has been detained since 12 January 2002, after the Israeli government and the US administration demanded his arrest following the assassination of Israeli Tourism Minister, Rehavam Ze’evi for which the PFLP claimed responsibility. The PFLP operation came in response to the Israeli assassination of the former General Secretary of the PFLP, Abu Ali Mustafa.
Addameer Association praises the High Court decision which conforms with the rule of law. Sa’adat’s detention was illegal as he had never faced trial or been sentenced. Addameer calls for the immediate implementation of the court decision.