Today marks the 70th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba. This tragic event was not a singular incident, but rather is ongoing to this day. The transferring of the American Embassy to occupied Jerusalem yesterday, 14 May 2018, and the massacre in Gaza represent clear evidence of the ongoing violations of international law and Palestinian basic rights, most importantly the right to self-determination.

This week Palestinians have organized several events to both commemorate al-Nakba, and peacefully protest the transfer of the American Embassy. In Jerusalem, Palestinians organized a protest in front of the new American Embassy. Despite the fact that the organizers received a permit for the protest, Israeli occupation police harshly attacked protestors, causing serious injuries, and arrested 14 Palestinians. Palestinian cities in the West Bank also organized several protests, which resulted in a number of injuries.

Palestinians in the Gaza strip organized the Great Return March, with the intent of asserting their right to return and their right to life. This march was peaceful and included families, elder, women, and children. Nevertheless, the Israeli occupation forces from the other side of the fence used excessive force against civilians. Accordingly, Israeli occupation forces injured over 2700 and killed over 60 people including around 7 children, the last to die was an eight-month-old baby girl. The number of those killed is not final, as there are bodies which are yet to be recovered.

Extrajudicial killing

An extrajudicial killing is the “unlawful and deliberate killing carried out by order of a state actor or with the state’s complicity or acquiescence.[1] Accordingly, lethal force can only be used as a measure of last resort, and it must always be proportional and necessary. Firearms against a person can be only used under imminent threat of death or serious injury. Shooting to kill can only be used to save a life, which would make the use of lethal force proportional – and only if there are no other means to prevent the threat to life.[2]

We, at Addameer, call on our supporters all over the world to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people. It is evident that the occupier state will never recognize our rights on its own. We need you to take action and help us in this struggle. Whether prisoners, injured persons, families or martyrs they all need to feel your support and solidarity. To this end, there is an urgent need for you to assist in influencing your national decision makers. There is a need for the community of nations, and individuals to hold Israel accountable for its continuing violations of international law, and its crimes against the Palestinian people.

-          Organize events, protests, gatherings, etc in your city to tell people about of what is happening.

-          Hold meetings with your officials, local representatives, and diplomats.

-          Address letters to representatives and decision makers.

-          Organize solidarity campaigns with Palestine generally, and on specific issues in the Palestinian context.

-           Encourage your local governments, trade unions, or universities to use International legal mechanisms such as imposing sanctions, divestment and boycott Israel.


[1] Amnesty International, Philippines: Over 1700 killings by unknown assassins and police indicate lawlessness, not crime control, Press Release, 24 August 2016. Available at :

[2] Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials, Eighth UN Congress on Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders, Havana, Cuba, 27 August- 27 September 1990, General Provision No. 9.