Today we are asking you join us in our urgent campaign to free our friend and colleague Ayman Nasser from the Israeli’s Occupation’s prison. Ayman is a researcher at Addameer, a human rights defender and an active member of the community who regularly advocates for the freedom of prisoners. During his detention Ayman was also recently elected to the council of his home village of Saffa, in the West Bank.
On 15 October 2012, Ayman was arrested by the Israeli Occupying Force (IOF) from his home in Saffa near Ramallah and detained in several different prisons where he was held in painful stress positions during interrogation sessions which lasted over twenty continuous hours. The charges against Ayman include encouraging the support and solidarity of Palestinian prisoners, participating in the annual Prisoner’s Day on 17 April and solidarity activities during hunger strikes, and attending a festival for the anniversary of Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa. Ayman’s unwarranted charges are evidence of IOF attempts to threaten the work of human rights defenders, and specifically those who advocate for prisoners rights. Ayman is accused of participating in demonstrations that are attended by all sectors of society, as they are annual commemorations that take place in the streets and public squares.  
Addameer denounces these accusations and the attempts to convict popular and official solidarity with the prisoners’ issue, and we ask that you join us in advocating for Ayman’s release and for the release of all human rights defenders and activists
The theme of this campaign is “Defend the prisoners, even if the cost is freedom,” which is inspired by Ayman address to the court on 18 October 2012: I believe that every human being has opinions and positions and if it’s not violating the law he can freely think and speak these opinions. I am a human rights defender who supports the Palestinian prisoners and I represent my opinions in the public media. My thoughts are not secret, they are public, and everyone knows them
Addameer holds the Israeli Occupation completely responsible for the safety of Ayman, and we need your help in giving his case a voice on the international level. Below is an activist tool kit and a list of action items that you can use to help us raise awareness about Ayman and all political prisoners. We thank you for your support as we continue to work until every political prisoner is free

You can read more about his detention and arrest in our most recent statement

Show your solidarity by taking part in our campaign for Ayman, using the materials provided in our activist toolkit

1.  Sign our electronic petition, which will be sent to the United Nations and High Representative of the European Parliament before Ayman’s next court date on 17 December 2012.
2. Organize a day of action or event at your university or in your city. In the toolkit you will find posters and factsheets for your use. Don’t forget to record your action and send it to us at
3. Bring attention to Ayman’s case in social media by changing your Facebook picture and tweet about him using the hash tag #FreeAyman
4. Write to the Israeli government, military and legal authorities and demand that Ayman be released immediately. In the tool kit you will find a sample letter and list of Israeli official contacts for your convenience.
5. Write to your local elected representative urging them to pressure Israel to release Ayman immediately and unconditionally. For those in Europe wishing to contact the European Members of Parliament, please see the following link to find your European elected representatives contact