Ramallah, 3 December 2012 - Last week Addameer reported that Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) presented Addameer researcher and human rights defender Ayman Nasser with his list of charges. All of these charges revolve around participating in demonstrations for Prisoners Day and Palestinian icon Ali Abu Mustafa.  

Today Ayman was denied bail at a hearing in Ofer Israeli military court, and therefore will remain in detention until the end of his trial. Addameer’s legal unit is working to appeal the court’s decision at his next hearing which will take place on 17 December 2012. To date Ayman has been detained for 48 consecutive days.  

Ayman’s unwarranted charges are evidence of IOF attempts to threaten the work of human rights defenders, and specifically those who advocate for prisoners rights. Ayman is accused of participating in demonstrations that are attended by all sectors of society, as they are annual commemorations that take place in the streets and public squares.  

According to the United Nation’s Declaration on Human Rights Defenders  Ayman Nasser’s detention is illegal by international law standards. Article 12.1 states that “everyone has the right, individually and in association with others, to participate in peaceful activities against violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms.”  

Ayman is being detained and tried for his defense of human rights, particularly those of Palestinian political prisoners. Addameer demand’s that Ayman be freed from IOF prison immediately, and that IOF arrests and detention of human rights activists cease immediately. 

*Write to the Israeli government, military and legal authorities and demand that Ayman Nasser be released immediately.
  • Brigadier General Danny Efroni
    Military Judge Advocate General
    6 David Elazar Street
    Harkiya, Tel Aviv
    Fax: +972 3 608 0366; +972 3 569 4526
    Email: arbel@mail.idf.il; avimn@idf.gov.il
  • Maj. Gen. Nitzan Alon
    OC Central Command Nehemia Base, Central Command
    Neveh Yaacov, Jerusalam
    Fax: +972 2 530 5741
  • Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Ehud Barak
    Ministry of Defense
    37 Kaplan Street, Hakirya
    Tel Aviv 61909, Israel
    Fax: +972 3 691 6940 / 696 2757
  • Col. Eli Bar On
    Legal Advisor of Judea and Samaria PO Box 5
    Beth El 90631
    Fax: +972 2 9977326
*Write to your own elected representatives urging them to pressure Israel to release Ayman Nasser.