Currently there are seven prisoners on hunger strike against administrative detention, including Jafar Ezeddin and Ihsan Othman who have been on hunger strike the longest, since 16 June, as well as Ahmad Zahran who has been on hunger strike since 20 June. Another three administrative detainees, Huthaifa Halabia, Mustafa Hassanat and Mohammed Abu Akkar, started their hunger strike on 1 July 2019 demanding their release. Furthermore, until last week, 4 July, there were 12 administrative detainees on hunger strikes demanding their release. Five prisoners, Mahmoud Fasfoos, Kayed Fasfoos, Abdelaziz Suweiti, Ghadnafar Atwan, and Saed Namoureh, suspended their hunger strike last Thursday, 4 July, after reaching agreements with the security services to stop the renewal of their administrative detention. 

Addameer emphasizes that the policy of administrative detention is used against Palestinians as a form of repression and control that violates all international norms and amounts to torture. And so, as the strike continues, Addameer Prisoner Support urges supporters of justice around the world to take action to support the Palestinian prisoners whose bodies and lives are on the line for freedom and dignity.

The issue of Palestinian prisoners and detainees held in Israeli prisons and detention centers transcends one of individual human rights; it is also one of collective rights of an entire people – the Palestinian people, who continue to be deprived of the right to self-determination and sovereignty – basic fundamentals of international law. All Palestinian political prisoners – regardless of their alleged political affiliations or charges – are entitled to fair trial guarantees under international humanitarian law and international human rights laws. Palestinian political prisoners and detainees are systematically subjected to torture and ill-treatment with continued impunity – highlighting the need for more solidarity actions from people around the globe to call for immediate release of all Palestinian political prisoners, long-denied their basic rights.

Addameer Prisoner Support & Human Rights Association urges all people to organize events in solidarity with the struggle of hunger-striking prisoners and detainees.  Stand in solidarity with Palestinian hunger-strikers, raise awareness about them, help us pressure the Israeli occupation authorities to respect the prisoner’s basic rights.


  1. Join Addameer social media campaign aims at raising awareness: hold a sign saying #Hunger_Strike_for_Dignity, #PalHunger, #Free_Palestinian_Political_Prisoners, or #StopAD (administrative detention campaign), #NotATarget (Human Rights Defenders campaign), and share either a picture of you holding a sign or just the hashtag along with a picture of a prisoner or a detainee on social media (twitter and facebook) to raise awareness.
  2. Organize a protest, demonstration, speaking event or banner drop in your citycommunity or campus calling for the immediate release of all Palestinian political prisoners and to show solidarity with the hunger striking prisoners and detainees.  
  3. Contact decision makers directly. Listed below are the contact details for the relevant decision makers. Please, take a minute out of your day, and reach out directly to them to urge them to respective the rights and release all political prisoners arbitrarily detained in their prisons.
  4. Contact your own representatives. No matter what country you are from, if you have access to your representatives, please contact them directly about the issue. Pressure is built by pressing on those who will listen, and having them pass the message up the chain of decisions makers. The only way to do so is to have a sufficient amount of people reach out and express a desire that your government act on the issue.
  5. Join BDS Campaign: Organize an action at HP office in your city to highlight the role of corporations involved in – and profiting from – the political imprisonment of Palestinians by the Israeli occupation.
  6. Join Addameer’s campaigns and their Call to Action: Addameer has two major campaigns: Stop Administrative Detention campaign and the Human Rights Defenders. You could use any of addameer’s materials prepared for these two campaigns or any other materials on Addameer’s website.
  7. Send an email to or to our Facebook page to let us know about any actions you are planning and we can help you in any possible way.





Commander of the IOF – West Bank

General Nadav Padan

GOC Central Command

Military Post 01149, Battalion 877

Fax: +972 2 530 5741+972 2 530 5724


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Prime Minister's Office

3 Kaplan St. Hakirya


Fax:  +972-2-6496659

Email: bnetanyahu@KNESSET.GOV.IL


Attorney General

Avihai Mendelbilt

Ministry of Justice

29 Salah al-Din Street

Jerusalem 91010, Israel  

Fax: +972 2 530 3367
