Administrative Detainees
Child prisoners
Female prisoners
Total Number of Political Prisoners

The Palestinian Digital Rights Coalition welcomes the filing of a lawsuit against the Israeli Surveillance tech NSO Group

The Palestinian Digital Rights Coalition (PDRC) welcomes the filing of a lawsuit against the Israeli Surveillance tech NSO Group for infiltrating the phone of Palestinian-French lawyer and human rights defender Salah Hammouri* and calls on the immediate moratorium on the

Palestinian and Regional Civil Society Organizations Send Urgent Appeal to UN Special Procedures on the Arbitrary Arrest and Imminent Risk of Forcible Deportation of Palestinian HRD and Lawyer Salah Hammouri

On 21 March 2022, the Palestinian Human Rights Council, Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, the Association France Palestine Solidarite, and the Platform of French NGOs for Palestine submitted a joint urgent appeal to the UN Special Procedures on the arbitrary arrest and imminent risk of for


The Illegality of Arresting and Prosecuting Palestinians in Light of the ICJ's Advisory Opinion

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