Ramallah- 6 AUG 2018 – Addameer Lawyer, Adv. Khader Diabis, reported that the military court at Ashkelon interrogation center extended the interrogation period of Mohammed Satouf Al-Rimawi (27 years old) for eight additional days, ending August 13. 

Adv. Diabis confirmed that Mohammed Al-Rimawi is currently on the 19th consecutive day of hunger strike in protest of his continued arbitrary detention and interrogation conditions at Ashkelon interrogation center.  Adv. Diabis added that he requested the transfer of Al-Rimawi to the hospital because of his deteriorating health condition.  

The lawyer stated that the occupation authorities exert great pressure on Al- Rimawi to dissuade him from continuing with the hunger strike. Furthermore, the occupation forces arrested Mohammad’s father, Mr. Nimer Al-Rami (54 years old), last week and took him immediately to Ashkelon interrogation center to further pressure Mohammad to end his hunger strike.

It is noteworthy that the occupation authorities arrested Mohammed al-Rimawi from Ramallah on July 19th 2018, after being called to meet the intelligence of the occupation, "Shabak". In addition, Mohammad Al-Rimawi is an ex prisoner who was released from a three-year sentence only six months before his current detention. 

Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association holds the occupation responsible for the life of the hunger-striking detainee Mohammed al-Rimawi, and confirms the organization’s support of his legitimate demands. Addameer also calls upon the States parties to the four Geneva Conventions to push the Occupying Power to respect its responsibilities and obligations, in addition to holding the occupation forces accountable for all the war crimes they continue to practice against Palestinians such as torture and arbitrary detention.