The Israeli Military Court re-enforced an ongoing gag order regarding several detainees under interrogation that remains in effect until 10 October 2019. The Israeli Court of First Instances in Jerusalem first issued the order on 10 September 2019. According to the gag order, Addameer is banned from providing information to the public on the names and cases of multiple detainees, many of who remain under interrogation and all of who are yet to be charged. Furthermore, Addameer expresses serious concern for the well-being and health of these detainees, some of whom have been detained since late August, as many have also been banned from counsel with their lawyers. Many of these detainees have been subjected to torture and ill-treatment throughout their detention. 


Addameer emphasizes that the gag order is an attempt to cover up grave human rights violations inflicted on Palestinian prisoners by their interrogators. Furthermore, the gag order is a violation of the basic rights of the prisoner, their family and their lawyer in having access to information.