Ramallah, 26 November 2012 - Addameer is deeply troubled by the continued hunger strikes of Palestinian prisoners Ayman Sharawna, Samer al-Issawi and Oday Keilani, as their health rapidly deteriorates. Addameer’s lawyer Fares Ziad visited the three hunger striking detainees on 25 November 2012.

·         Ayman Sharawna has been on hunger strike for 149 days and only ingests water, sugar and vitamins. Despite his deteriorating health and weakened state, he is treated roughly by the Israeli Prison Service (IPS). Ayman refuses to be treated in a hospital until the IPS discontinues their policy of shackling his hands and legs during transportation and treatment. Against his will, he was forcibly transferred to a hospital where he again denied treatment, and upon his return to Ramle Prison, was strip searched before returning to his cell. Ayman is still suffering from the previously reported health conditions including pain in his legs, kidneys, skin, memory loss, eye problems and inability to stand. In addition, he is continuously being coerced by the IPS’ interrogator to end his hunger strike without signing a negotiation or deal. Ayman has been on hunger strike since 1 July 2012. He spent ten years in detention and was released in the prisoner exchange deal on 11 October 2012, but was re-arrested on 31 January 2012 based on “secret evidence.”
·         The health of Samer Al Issawi, is in danger as he is now refusing water, vitamins and sugar as of the 21st of November. He suffers from fainting several times a day and has pain in his legs and back as a result of a late night fall.  His health is deteriorating rapidly; he has low blood pressure and now weighs 46 kilograms. Samer was detained on 7 July, less than one year after his initial release in the prisoner exchange deal of October 2012. He launched a hunger strike on 1 August 2012 and has been intermittently striking for 118 days.
·         Oday Keilani began a hunger strike on the 21 of October 2012, 36 days ago, to protest the renewal of his administrative detention for four months. Oday was arrested in 2011, and has been held without charge or trial, nor access to his file as it contains “secret information.” He was recently transferred to Ramle Hospital because he is suffering from health consequences of his hunger strike, including severe headaches, and pain in his joints, stomach and kidneys. Like Ayman Sharawna, he has also been pressured by the IPS to end his hunger strike without a written agreement.
Addameer urges the international community to put pressure on the Israeli government and demand accountability for their human rights violations. It is imperative that Ayman Sharawna, Samer Al-Issawi, and Oday Keilani are treated humanely, with dignity, and receive immediate independent medical attention.
*Write to the Israeli government, military and legal authorities and demand that the hunger striking prisoners be released immediately.
  • Brigadier General Danny Efroni
    Military Judge Advocate General
    6 David Elazar Street
    Harkiya, Tel Aviv
    Fax: +972 3 608 0366; +972 3 569 4526
    Email: arbel@mail.idf.il; avimn@idf.gov.il
  • Maj. Gen. Nitzan Alon
    OC Central Command Nehemia Base, Central Command
    Neveh Yaacov, Jerusalam
    Fax: +972 2 530 5741
  • Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Ehud Barak
    Ministry of Defense
    37 Kaplan Street, Hakirya
    Tel Aviv 61909, Israel
    Fax: +972 3 691 6940 / 696 2757
  • Col. Eli Bar On
    Legal Advisor of Judea and Samaria PO Box 5
    Beth El 90631
    Fax: +972 2 9977326
*Write to your own elected representatives urging them to pressure Israel to release the hunger strikers.